wake up, world.


What if your belief is that you have to get arrested or become a martyr to even make an inkling of change. Does that mean the system is broken?

My only answer to you is that it's time to wake up.

A system founded on injustices and racial inequalities is no system at all. A system that keeps the oppressed in oppression and gives them no chance of rising above is no way to live. If you wonder why things were able to escalate so quickly and so out of hand. Ask yourself, when the oppressed have had no outlet in which to speak for their whole lives. How do they express the frustrations and anguish that they've felt their whole life in a way that reaches deaf ears?

Privilege acts as a sound barrier because when you can't place yourself in someone else's shoes and come from a place of understanding in their perspective, then you cannot truly realize the notions and motions of the oppressed.

The color of someone's skin is irrelevant, you should treat people as they are, PEOPLE.


Another Brown-skinned Forgotten Son